Resolutions are normally set in January, but hey, some of us need some time to process the fact that it’s already 2016. Plus, who makes these rules anyways? We say that goals can be set at anytime! And good for you if you feel the need to regroup and focus on staying happy and motivated. This should be done on a daily basis. Here are a few small suggestions on how to make the best of this year.
1. Mornings = new beginnings
We’ve said this before, but waking up with a fresh mind and good intentions is a great way to make sure you are exactly where you want to be. Get up early, make yourself a tea, do some form of meditation or exercise (it can be as short as 1 good yoga pose) and ask yourself: What do I want to accomplish today? How do I want to feel?. You can even write those down if you want and think of ways to help you achieve these goals on a daily basis.

2. Make the time for the things that make you feel great
What makes you feel good? It’s so easy to get caught up in our busy lives, but it’s so important to remember that we only have one life. If you don’t make the time for the things you enjoy, nobody will do it for you. We’re not suggesting that you go get a massage everyday, or that you quit your job, we’re just saying that if cooking those Mahi-mahi tacos you’ve been saving on your ”Scrumptious” Pinterest board since last spring will make you feel awesome, then by all means, DO IT.

You don’t have to go jogging outside for 60 minutes at minus 40. But you do have to keep your body somewhat active in order to stay at optimal health and really feel great. Exercising can be better than caffeine. If you start with a little 5 minute routine like this one you can then switch to longer ones once you’re ready.

4. Watch something inspiring
Have you seen all the TED Talks? If not, we highly suggest that you start now. Watch 1 every day. Sometimes a little pep talk from these super inspiring speakers will give you the energy you need to push harder. If you have seen all of these great videos, there’s tons more you could find on Youtube. But you could also subscribe to FMTV (Food Matters TV) for about 8$/month and have access to hundreds of inspiring interviews, recipes, documentaries and more. It’s basically like the Netflix for health junkies.

5. Get a planner
There are great apps out there like Clear that allow you to schedule your time and create to-do lists. If you’re more traditional, you might enjoy a beautiful Planner, like the one in the picture here by Rifle Paper Co. Regardless of how you plan your days, there is no better feeling than knocking things off your checklist. Staying organized can be a great feeling for people who are overwhelmed or stressed.

6. Let go of your phone
We’re all guilty. Spending WAY too much time on our phones. Do you find yourself feeling strange when you look up or outside the window for more than 15 seconds? That’s probably a sign that you’ve been looking down at your phone too much and you’re missing out on your life and probably getting arthritis in your neck (but maybe i’m exaggerating). Take a break, you don’t need to bring it with you to the bathroom, do you? If you have an office job, you will find it will greatly improve your mood and productivity if you take a 10-15 minute walk down the hall or outside if you can, WITHOUT YOUR PHONE. Just doing nothing. Look outside, talk to people, THINK.
That’s it for our little list. Hopefully some of these tips will inspire you in some way.
Thanks for reading!
The post 6 Ways to Stay Motivated in 2016 appeared first on Little Life Blog.