The truth about chemicals in Sunscreen March 31, 2016Do you ever feel torn between wanting to protect your skin from the sun’s rays and not wanting to apply toxic chemicals on your body? Are you confused about what...
Spring…The Season For Transformation March 30, 2016Take a nice long deep breath in…and with a big sigh, exhale all of the air out of your body and feel a sense of relaxation wash over you. Spring has...
Vegan Taco Potato Slices March 28, 2016What’s better than breakfast? Tacos. Especially when you have tacos for breakfast. Or at least taco flavours. These Potato Slices were inspired by the Taco Fiesta Potato Crisps by Oh...
Heart-Opening Yoga Posture of the Month March 22, 2016 This highly beneficial restorative posture is simple to practice and effortless, which makes it accessible to everyone.
Purple Smoothie Bowl March 21, 2016I had some extra time this morning, so I treated myself to an awesome smoothie bowl with all the works. It’s not always easy to throw something together that actually...
5 Spring Must-Haves for your Kitchen March 19, 2016The weather has been getting warmer for the past week or so in Montreal. We’re getting some serious signs that Spring is just around the corner. I figured this would...